What are your hair goals for 2023?

How to set Hair Goals


Some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What is your current hair condition? (Dry, flaky, brittle, lifeless, heat/colour damaged, split ends etc.)
  2. How did your hair get to this state? (What was your previous routine)
  3. What decision are you going to make, especially of your hair damaged, are you going to cut it?
  4. Decide on your main hair goal? (Growth/Length retention, health, added moisture, strength etc.)
  5. Pick out a daily regimen (what products do you use daily or every other day)
  6. Pick out a wash day routine (are you deep conditioning, protein treating or hot oil treating?
  7. Pick out a regimen for when your hair is under protective styling
  8. Repeat


    We wish you well on your hair journey ahead. We hope that our products provide you with the best help possible.

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